Dk photos

Dean Keefer's photography career spans 28 years. It was a natural expansion of his artistic career creating paintings. Dean currently resides in New York and part time in Palm Springs where he continues to photograph, paint, and create through interior design of many local mid-century and modern homes. Although born and raised on a cattle ranch in Montana, Dean knew in his youth he would make California and New York home.
Through photography Dean enjoys portraying fantasy and guiding his subjects to capture their true personality (essence). He welcomes the challenge of clients who are uncomfortable being photographed. His Aries determination results in a beautiful finished product, allowing his subjects to move forward with newfound confidence. This is reflected in one of his favorite sayings "makeup by MAC or MacIntosh."
Dean's artist black and white images have been featured in books, calendars, greeting cards and posters. Working with Disney and Nickelodeon was a great opportunity to see the young stars grow up.